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TitleShang Hai Xiao Dao Hui Qi Yi Shi Liao Hui Bian 上海小刀会起义史料汇编
Book ID2818
Author(s)The History Institution of Shanghai Academy of Social Science 上海社会科学院历史研究所
PublisherShanghai ren min chu ban she 上海人民出版社
Place of publicationShanghai 上海
Publication typePress
Number of pages1250

We have collected and selected historical materials related to the Small Swords Society(Xiao Dao Hui) Uprising. Apart from revolutionary literature, the majority of these materials consist of archives, newspapers, private writings, and notes from the reactionary rule of the Qing Dynasty and imperialist forces. These materials have significant historical value, and we have compiled them for researchers' reference. The editing methods we have adopted are as follows:

  1. The collected materials, both in Chinese and foreign languages, are complex in content and form. To preserve the original documents, we generally refrain from cutting or fragmenting them. The materials are divided into six sections based on their nature. To provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of the history of the Small Swords Society Uprising, we have prepared two introductory pieces: "Overview of the Small Swords Society Uprising" and "Timeline of Major Events in the Small Swords Society Uprising." These sections are accompanied by revolutionary artifacts, photographs, and maps, placed at the beginning of the compilation.

  2. The materials in this compilation are divided into six sections: the first section contains literature on the Small Swords Society, the second section consists of records and reports on the uprising and its battles in Shanghai, the third section comprises archival materials on the Qing Dynasty's feudal ruling class suppressing  the Small Swords Society Uprising, the fourth section includes archives and records of foreign invaders' interference in the Small Swords Society Uprising, the fifth section contains other relevant historical materials on the uprising, and the sixth section comprises materials on the uprisings of the people in the counties near Shanghai, along with related materials documenting the response from Ningbo, Zhejiang.

  3. Before each section, the editors have provided commentary to explain the content, nature, and historical value of the included materials, allowing readers to gain a clear understanding of each section.

  4. Under each material's title, the editors have provided an evaluation to help readers understand the source, version, authors' perspectives, the historical value of the work, and any inaccuracies it may contain.

  5. The titles of the materials are generally preserved without modification. Only a few highly reactionary titles that defame the revolution and are intolerable have been modified, with the original titles still included as annotations after the respective materials.

  6. With regards to the foreign language materials in this compilation, the majority have been translated and selected by us. The translated names of individuals and places strive to match those already published. When using older translations from various books, we have made uniform changes to names of individuals and places while leaving the rest unchanged. A table providing name translations is included at the end. The most challenging to translate are the revolutionary documents. We have referenced the Chinese style of the Small Swords Society's proclamations to restore their original appearance as much as possible. However, due to significant differences between the Chinese literary style and English writing conventions, we can only strive for approximation.

  7. The Chinese materials included in this compilation have undergone collation using different versions. We have selected the better versions and supplemented them using other editions. For example, "The Origins and Development of Westernization" was chosen over "The Qing Veritable Records" due to the former's earlier publication date. Similarly, for revolutionary documents of the Small Swords Society with multiple versions, the best version was chosen as the base text, with other versions used for supplementation and accompanied by explanations.

  8. The materials related to the Shanghai Xidao Club Uprising in the North China Herald amount to approximately 160,000 words. Among them are original revolutionary documents that have been lost, detailed reports on the battles, historical records of imperialist occupation of customs and concessions, as well as special features on the Qing Dynasty's feudal rule compromising and surrendering. Based on the nature of these materials, they have been categorized and included in the respective sections. The discovery of revolutionary documents provides new evidence for studying the political situation of the Small Swords Society and their relationship with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Although the continuous reports on the battles contain the perspective of the aggressors, they are still detailed historical materials of the revolutionary war. Therefore, we have compiled these reports for readers' reference.

  9. The sources and origins of the cultural relics' images included in this compilation are indicated. Among them, the photos of Jiading were taken during our own investigation, and the maps were drawn by us.

  10. We are currently lacking investigative materials on the Small Swords Society Uprising. We have only conducted preliminary investigations in Jiading. We hope comrades from Shanghai, Jiading, Qingpu, Baoshan, Nanhui, Chuansha, and other counties can assist us in order to supplement the investigative materials in the future.

  11. This compilation of historical materials is a thematic collection aimed at organizing the history of the Shanghai people's struggles and supplementing the historical materials of the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom. Due to the limited collection time and insufficient in-depth work, there may inevitably be omissions and errors














Keywords (en)Small Swords Society,Xiao Dao Hui, Rebellion
TopicSmall Swords Society,Xiao Dao Hui, Rebellion, Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, Yangtze Delta in 1850s
Place of eventShanghai
Historical period1852-1855
is a fulltextNo
1734/1736 results        



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