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Short titleThe research on the operation of local Red Cross Society in China within the observation on Tsingpu Branch, Kiangsu Province(1924-1951)
AuthorLu,Yijun 陸軼雋
UniversityDepartment of History, National Chengchi University 國立政治大學歷史學系
Thesis typeM.A.
SubjectModern China History
Place台北 Taipei
Number of pages136

Nowadays,as the most famous and important humanitarian organization around the world ,the Red Cross Society plays a key role in rescuing and relieving. In the year of 1904, by the establishment of Shanghai International Red Cross Committee, the Red Cross had been blooming in the local society of China, leading the movement of wounded rescuing and local charity affairs. In the year of 1912, the rules of local branch were created in the unifying conference of the China Red Cross Society, showing that the local Red Cross Society was normalized. Since then, the local Red Cross Society had been operating better within absorbing traditional Chinese charity spirit. This dissertation focuses on how Tsingpu Branch in Kiangsu Province, which was founded in 1924 to meet the requirement of rescuing in the war of Kiangsu-Chekiang, used their leader Hsu Hsi-chun(1885-1965)’s local society and commercial source to take the rescue movement of victims and push public health affairs in Tsingpu County, thus observing how the Red Cross Spirit made contact with traditional Chinese local society. As the third realm organized by local elites, including local construction and social welfare, operated in local society in China, this dissertation will also discuss how the mechanism operates under the flag of the Red Cross. Based on the observation on the local Red Cross in modern China, the dissertation provides a new approach to research the nature of the Red Cross Movement in China besides the existing discusses on the China National Red Cross Society.


Keywords (en)Local Red Cross Society,Tsingpu County,War rescuing, Public health, The third realm, Hsu Hsi-chun
Place of eventQingpu County, Shanghai
Year of event1924-1951
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陆轶隽_2020_從江蘇省青浦縣分會看中國地方紅十字會之運作(1924-1951).pdf (2.59 Mo)

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