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Periodical titleCompte rendu de la gestion pour l'exercice 1893 - Budget 1894 - Conseil d'administration municipale de la Concession française
Number of pages150

The Compte rendu de la gestion is the annual report by the municipal administration of the French Concession. It contains the reports by the various municipal departments, as well as the summary minutes of the council meetings.


The digitizing of this copy of the Compte rendu de la gestion was made by the Institut d'Asie Orientale from the original made available by the Chollot family..

Keywords (en)report;municipality;French Concession;administration;municipal council;minutes; police;public works;public health;finance;tax;social services;education;school;statistics;photography;enpc
Keywords (fr)rapport; municipalité; Concession française;administration;conseil municipal; minutes; police; travaux publics; santé publique;finances;impôt;services sociaux;éducation;école;statistiques; photographie
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