The records are mostly instructions to and despatches from diplomatic and consular officials, often accompanied by enclosure, notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatives, memorandums and correspondence with officials of other Government departments and with private firms and persons.
The digitized collection is not complete due to selective purchase at the time for research purposes. While the full collection contains 96 rolls, the present collection includes 69 rolls (1-63, 89-94).
On the 96 rolls of this microfilm publication are reproduced the records from the decimal file of the Department of State, 1930-44, that relate to political relations between China and Japan. The records are mostly instructions to and despatches from diplomatic and consular officials; the despatches are often accompanied by enclosures. Also included in these records are notes between the Department of State and foreign diplomatic representatives in the United States, memorandums prepared by officials of the Department, and correspondence with officials of other Government departments and with private firms and persons. The State Department divided the decimal file into chronological segments to retire inactive records. This division has been maintained in this microfilm publication. The records for the period 1930-39 are filmed on rolls 1-88 and those for 1940-44 on rolls 89-96
RG976-Roll-1.pdf (55.67 Mo)
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RG976-Roll-2.pdf (44.25 Mo)
RG976-Roll-3.pdf (47.95 Mo)
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