Title | Year | Author | Language | Abstract |
Making the news in Shanghai. Shenbao and the politics of newspaper journalism (1912-1937) | 1989 | Narramore, Terry | English | |
Modernization, Revolution, and Midwifery Reforms in Twentieth-century China | 2011 | Anh, Byungil | English | The Guomindang and the Chinese Communist Party, the two ruling parties in twentieth-century China, made improving infant and maternity health a crucial aspect of their projects to modernize Chinese society. Both parties promulgated regulations and laws governing the registration of midwives and the quality of their education and services. They also founded professional schools to train midwives in scientific and modern techniques, and supported retraining programs for old-style midwives while banning unqualified women without "proper" medical education from practicing. However, despite these similarities, the two parties had different understandings and visions of their reform programs and employed different strategies to actualize their reform ideals. The main concerns of this dissertation are how ordinary Chinese people, especially women, experienced the state programs that introduced modern medical programs and the power of the state into their daily lives and how their responses, in fact, reshaped those reform programs and determined their success. Empirical evidence for this dissertation comes from medical textbooks, handbooks for midwives, personal writings and letters of midwives, newspapers, novels, and other archival materials such as police documents and the CCP work reports regarding midwifery reform. In addition, I use interviews with rural midwives, ex-barefoot doctors, local CCP cadres, and villagers from my field research conducted in major cities, including Beijing and Shanghai, and in rural villages in northern China. Those formal interviews with local people and the archival materials powerfully illustrate how the two parties' different visions of modernizing and reshaping Chinese society interacted with medical reformers, midwives, and local communities and ordinary Chinese women in different ways with respect to midwifery reform. |
Motivation des salariés en Chine : établir un climat mobilisateur dans l'entreprise. | 2013 | An, Yufei | French | The motivation of employees is vital necessity to the success of the enterprise, especially in the context of global economic crisis. By understanding what motivates their members, directors can mobilize and realize the full potential of each person and direct their energies more effectively. The renewal of sources of motivation asks that analyze in advance the changes currently affecting the world of working and their consequences. The objective of this thesis is to help people manage human resources (in the enterprise) to understand what and how to create conditions favor the employee motivation, how to orientate, to improve and to maintain the motivation of its employees and how to construct appropriate motivational strategies in the management. In addition, for this aim, in favorite of promoting the motivation and stimulating the employees, we try to propose to establish a dynamic environment in Chinese enterprise. Résumé La motivation des salariés est une nécessité vitale pour le succès d'une entreprise, notamment dans le contexte de la crise économique mondiale. En comprenant ce qui motive leurs membres, les dirigeants peuvent mobiliser le plein potentiel de chaque personne et diriger plus efficacement leur énergie. Le renouvellement des sources de motivation demande d'analyser au préalable les changements qui affectent actuellement le monde du travail et leurs conséquences. L'objectif de cette thèse vise à aider les personnes qui gèrent les ressources humaines (dans l'entreprise) à comprendre quelles sont et comment créer des conditions propices à la motivation des salariés, comment orienter, susciter et soutenir leur motivation et comment construire des stratégies motivationnelles adaptées. De plus, à cette fin, en favorisant la motivation et en suscitant les salariés, nous essayons de proposer d'établir un climat motivant dans l'entreprise chinoise. |
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