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Title Year Author(s) Abstract 
Modern China: thirty-one short essays on subjects which illustrate the present condition of the country1891Edkins, John
Memorials of James Henderson, M.D. -- medical missionary to China1867Henderson, James
Man Yi hua Xia shi mo ji 滿夷猾夏始末記
Miao fang bei lan 苗防備覽
Meinen Mitarbeitern in Peking zur freundlichen Erinnerung an ihren Chef1902Alfons Mumm, von.
Ming shi ji shi ben mo 明史紀事本末Gu, Yingtai 谷應泰 (清)
Ming ji bei lue 明季北略Ji, Liuqi 計六奇 (清)
Ming shi kao zheng 明史考證Huang, Yunmei 黃雲眉
Ming hui yao 明會要Long, Wenbin 龍文彬
Ming jing shi wen bian 明經世文編Chen, Zilong 陳子龍 (明)
Ming Qing shi lun zhu ji kan 明清史論著集刊Meng, Sen 孟森
Ming Qing shi lun zhu ji kan xu bian 明清史論著集刊續編Meng, Sen 孟森
Ming Qing zhi ji dang she yun dong kao 明清之際黨社運動考Xie, Guozhen 謝國幀
Ming dai huang cezhi du 明代黃冊制度Wei, Qingyuan 韋慶遠
Ming ji shi liao ti ba 明季史料題跋Zhu, Xizu 朱希祖
Ming Qing shi jiang yi 明清史講義Meng, Sen 孟森
Ming shi 明史Zhang, Tingyu 張廷玉(清)
Min guo zhi jing hua 民國之精華 1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍; Zuoteng, Sanlang 佐藤三郎 輯
Man zhou mi dang 滿洲秘檔1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Jin, Liang 金梁
Memories of Old Tientsin1914An Old Hand [William McLeish]"The following lecture was delivered at a meeting of the 'Tientsin Union Church Literary and Social Guild' on the 31st. ult." [31 July 1914]
Minutes of the Nineteenth Annual General Meeting of Electors of the British Municipal Area held in the Gordon Hall on Wednesday, April 7, 19371937British Municipal Council, TientsinBilingual edition of the minutes of the AGM of the Electors of the British Municipal Area
Mapping media in China : region, province, locality2012Sun, Wanning; Chio, Jenny (Eds.)
Mapping modernity in Shanghai : space, gender, and visual culture in the sojourners' city, 1853-982010Liang, Samuel Y.
Marco Polo's China : a Venetian in the realm of Khubilai Khan2006Haw, Stephen G
Man Qing bai shi 滿清稗史1969Lu, Baoxuan 陸寶璿
Min guo jun shi jin ji 民國軍事近紀1969Ding, Wenjiang 丁文江
Mao's China and the Sino-Soviet split : ideological dilemma2012Li, Mingjiang
Medical ethics in China : a transcultural interpretation2011Nie, Jing-Bao
Mian bu ye 棉布業1934Shanghai shi shang hui 上海市商會商
Mirroring the past : the writing and use of history in imperial China2005Ng, On Cho; Wang, Q. Edward (eds.)
Min guo ye shi 民國野史1969Xu, Jincheng 許金城
Manshū jihen ni okeru hikōtai no kōdō 満洲事変ニ於ケル飛行隊ノ行動. 上Sanbō Honbu 参謀本部 編纂
Minamimanshū tetsudō kabushiki gaisha shanhai jimusho chōsashitsu shiryō bunruihyō 南満洲鉄道株式会社上海事務所調查室資料分類表 1942Minamimanshū tetsudō kabushiki gaisha shanhai jimusho chōsashitsu shiryō 南満洲鉄道株式会社上海事務所調查室
Manshū jihen oyobi shanhai jihen kankei happyōshū 満洲事変及上海事変関係発表集. 第4-5 1932Gaimushō Jōhōbu 外務省情報部
Manshū Shanhai jihen chūseiroku 滿洲上海事変忠誠錄1932Shiga-ken Shutsudō Gunjin Ikazoku Kōen Rinji Iinkai 滋賀縣出動軍人遣家族後援臨時委員會
Manshū jihen oyobi shanhai jiken kankei kōhyōshū 満洲事変及上海事件関係公表集 1934Gaimushō Jōhōbu 外務省情報部
Mato shanhai chika kōnichi tero no zenbō 魔都上海地下抗日テロの全貌1939Kiyoshi Sugiyama 杉山清
Manshū kenkoku to manshū shanhai daijihenshi 満洲建国と満洲・上海大事変史1932Tōyō Bunka Kyōkai 東洋文化協会
Manshū Shanhai jihen chūseiroku 滿洲上海事変忠誠錄1932Shiga-ken Shutsudō Gunjin Ikazoku Kōen Rinji Iinkai 滋賀縣出動軍人遣家族後援臨時委員會
Min quan su 民權素 (1)1969Jiang,Zhuchao 蔣著超
Min quan su 民權素 (2-3)1969Jiang,Zhuchao 蔣著超
Min quan su 民權素 (4-5)1969Jiang,Zhuchao 蔣著超
Min quan su 民權素 (6-7)1969Jiang,Zhuchao 蔣著超
Min quan su 民權素 (8-9)1969Jiang,Zhuchao 蔣著超
Min quan su 民權素 (10-11)1969Jiang,Zhuchao 蔣著超
Min quan su 民權素 (12)1969Jiang,Zhuchao 蔣著超
Min quan su 民權素 (13)1969Jiang,Zhuchao 蔣著超
Min quan su 民權素 (14-15)1969Jiang,Zhuchao 蔣著超
Min quan su 民權素 (16-17)1969Jiang,Zhuchao 蔣著超
Min zu zi ben chuang ban he jing ying de gong ye 民族资本创办和经营的工业1957Chen, Zhen 陈真;Yao, Luo 姚洛
Ming history. An introductory guide to research 明史研究指南1994Farmer, Edward L., Taylor, Romeyn, Waltner, Ann
Min guo ming ren zhuan ji ci dian 民国名人传记辞典 [Vol. 1-5]1979Bao Huade 包华德 (Ed.) [Howard L Boorman]
Min guo ming ren zhuan ji ci dian 民国名人传记辞典 [Vol. 6-11]1979Bao Huade 包华德 (Ed.) [Howard L Boorman]
Min guo guang dong jiang ling zhi 民國廣東將領志1994Chen Yuhuan 陳予歡
Makers of new China in college in America1923Chinese Students' Christian Association in North America
Matthews' Chinese-English dictionary : Revised American Edition1931
Min Guo Shi Qi Bao Ye Shi Liao Shang Hai Pian 民国时期报业史料 上海篇2021Kao, Yu-ya 高郁雅

The history of modern Shanghai newspapers can be roughly divided into four periods. The first period (1850 to 1895) witnessed their birth and initial development as Shanghai as a city began to take shape, marking the preliminary development phase of Shanghai newspapers. The second period (1895 to 1915) saw a breakthrough in development, with the support of democratic political movements and the protection of foreign concessions. This period solidified the development pattern of Shanghai newspapers, which became a necessity in the daily lives of the citizens. The third period (1915 to 1937) was characterized by comprehensive and stable development. The fourth period (1937 to 1949) experienced contraction and stagnation due to two significant wars: the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War and the Chinese Civil War. During this time, freedom of speech was restricted, exacerbated by issues like inflation, imposing immense operational pressure on the newspaper industry. By 1949, with the change in the Chinese political landscape, commercial newspapers were placed under strict military control by the new regime, leading to an unprecedented depression in the newspaper industry.

This book compiles diverse historical materials, including archives from the Shanghai Municipal Archives, recollections of journalists, and articles from newspapers and magazines. It is divided into three main themes:

  1. Newspaper Industry Overview, encompassing the basic characteristics of Shanghai's newspaper industry, the history of major newspapers in early 20th century Shanghai, and the functioning of newspaper industry associations.

  2. Newspaper Staff, providing insights into various types of staff in newspapers, such as educational qualifications, working hours, efficiency, and salaries required by printing workers. The book also includes contracts for proofreaders at that time, shedding light on the requirements for proofreading work. Information about the treatment of newspaper staff can be referenced from a comparison table of employee benefits between Xinwen Bao and Shen Bao, detailing the number of employees in each department, work standards, and remuneration methods.

  3. News Editing and Reporting, covering information collection in newspapers, and regulations related to editing news. It provides a detailed introduction to the production process of newspapers, including gathering news, editing, printing, and distribution, all meticulously documented.






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