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Title Year Author(s) Abstract 
Wu song jiang 吴淞江 1935Wu, Jingshan 吴静山
Wu Zhihui xiansheng wen cui 吳稚暉先生文粹1929
Wu si yun dong qing li ji 五四运动亲历记1999Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen hua shi liao cong kan (1) 文化史料丛刊 (一)1980
Wen hua shi liao cong kan (2) 文化史料丛刊(二)1981Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen hua shi liao cong kan (3) 文化史料丛刊(三)1982Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen hua shi liao cong kan (4) 文化史料丛刊(四)1983Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen hua shi liao cong kan (5) 文化史料丛刊(五)1983Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen hua shi liao cong kan (6) 文化史料丛刊(六)1983Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen hua shi liao cong kan (7) 文化史料丛刊(七)1983Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen hua shi liao cong kan (8) 文化史料丛刊(八)1984Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen shi zi liao xuan ji (14) 文史资料选辑 (14)1989Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen shi zi liao xuan ji (15) 文史资料选辑 (15)1989Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen shi zi liao xuan ji (39) 文史资料选辑 (39)1989Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen shi zi liao xuan ji (30) 文史资料选辑 (30)1995Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen shi zi liao xuan ji (29) 文史资料选辑 (29)1995Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen shi zi liao xuan ji (26) 文史资料选辑 (26)1993Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wen shi zi liao xuan ji (24) 文史资料选辑 (24)1992Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wan Qing gong ting sheng huo jian wen 晚清宫廷生活见闻2000Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wan Qing gong ting sheng huo jian wen 晚清宫廷生活见闻1982Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wuhan hui zhan 武汉会战1989Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Wei shu 魏書Beiqi, Wei 北齊魏
Wang Rangqing (Geng nian)xian sheng 汪穰卿(庚年)先生1966Shen Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Wang Yinian 汪詒年 編
Weng Songzhan (Tong he) shou zha 翁松禪(同龢)手札1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Yu, Zhongluan 俞鍾鑾 輯
Wang Feng jian ti 王風箋題1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Ding, Licheng 丁立誠 撰
Wan zhu lou sui bi 萬竹樓隨筆1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍; Zuo, Shunsheng 左舜生
Wang Yang tang zou gao 望嵓堂奏稿 (1-2)1966Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Chen, Bi 陳壁
Wu Peifu zheng zhuan 吳佩孚正傳1966Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Guo shi guan 國使館 編輯
Wang Meicun xian sheng ji 汪梅村先生集 (1-2)1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Wang, Shiduo 汪士鐸
Wang Huiweng (Shi Duo) yi bing ri ji 汪梅翁(士)乙丙日記1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Deng, Zhicheng 鄧之誠
Wang wen qin gong (Qing Yun) nian pu 王文勤公(慶雲)年譜1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Wang, Chuancan 王傳璨
Wang Su zhou (Ren Kan) yi shu 王蘇州(仁堪)遺書1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Wang, Xiaosheng 王孝繩
Wai Meng jiao zhe shi mo ji 外蒙交涉始末記Bi, Guifang 畢桂芳
Women, sport, and society in modern China : holding up more than half the sky2003Dong, Jinxia
Wu xu zheng bian ji 戊戌政變記1969Liang, Qichao 梁啓超
Wending gong Xu Shanghai zhuan lue 文定公徐上海传略1933Xu, Zongze 徐宗澤
Wadachi no ato : Shina jihen jūgun kinen shashin shō shanhai yori gishō made 轍蹟 : 支那事変従軍記念写真抄上海より宜昌まで 1942
Wu Su bian fa dang an shi liao 戊戌變法檔案史料1969
Wu Xu bian fa ren wu zhuan gao 戊戌變法人物傳稿1969Tang, Zhijun 湯志均
Wan qing nü xing yu jin dai zhongguo 晚清女性与近代中国2004Xia, Xiaohong 夏晓虹
Wei xian de yu yue- 20 shi ji Shanghai de chang ji wen ti yu xian dai xing 危险的愉悦-20世纪上海的娼妓问题与现代性2003Gail Hershatter
Waiguo zai hua gongshang qiye cidian 外國在華工商企業辭典 The universal dictionary of foreign business in modern China1992Huang Guangyu (ed.) 黃光域
Who's who in China. Biographies of Chinese leaders 中國名人錄1936Powell, John Benjamin
Who's who in China (Biographies of Chinese) 中國名人錄1926Powell, John Benjamin
Who's who in the Far East1906
Who's who in the Far East1907
Women Leaders of Present Day China : Chinese Christians Worth Knowing1922
Who's who of American returned students1917
Wu Si Yun Dong Zai Shang Hai Shi Liao Xuan Ji 五四运动在上海史料选辑1960Shang Hai She Hui Ke Xue Yuan Li Shi Yan Jiu Suo 上海社会科学院历史研究所

To commemorate the 60th anniversary of the great May Fourth Movement, the Shanghai People's Publishing House recently reissued the 'Compilation of Historical Materials on the May Fourth Movement in Shanghai,' edited by the History Research Institute of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences (hereafter referred to as the 'Compilation'). When news of the May Fourth Movement breaking out in Beijing reached Shanghai, the people of Shanghai immediately responded fervently. The students of Shanghai were the first to launch patriotic activities in support of the Beijing students. Subsequently, various sectors and political groups in Shanghai issued appeals, unanimously supporting the patriotic actions of Beijing students and demanding the rejection of the 'Treaty of Versailles,' and the stern punishment of traitors like Cao, Lu, and Zhang. The 'Compilation' extensively portrays and introduces the National Assembly convened by the people of Shanghai, demonstrations, the establishment of the 'Shanghai Student Union' leading the student movement, and the promotion of boycotting Japanese goods by the 'Advocacy of Domestic Goods Association' and 'Open-Air Propaganda Team,' among other actions, in practical support and endorsement of the patriotic actions of Beijing students. These historical materials provide a vivid depiction of the intense mass struggle during that period. It's worth noting that the 'Compilation' also collected materials on the struggle of the people of Shanghai against the comprador bourgeoisie represented by Yu Qiaqing and Zhu Baosan. The comprador bourgeoisie in China were imperialist lackeys, the arch-enemies of the Chinese people. Therefore, at the crucial historical moment of May Fourth, they undoubtedly emerged to sabotage the righteous patriotic struggle of the Chinese people and serve their imperialist masters. The 'Compilation' effectively exposes the vile actions and deeds perpetrated by the comprador bourgeoisie, led by Yu Qiaqing, during the 'Three Abstentions' movement and struggle in Shanghai. After the June Third incident, the workers, students, and business community of Shanghai bravely conducted the 'Three Abstentions' movement, which included strikes, class boycotts, and market closures. Particularly, the political general strike by the working class in Shanghai played a decisive role in achieving the movement's victory. The 'Compilation' contains numerous materials reflecting this aspect. For instance, in addition to going on strike, workers from the Xinji Machine Factory in Shanghai built a wooden arch near the factory entrance inscribed with the words 'Do Not Forget the National Humiliation' to motivate people to persist in the 'Three Abstentions' struggle. The struggle of shop employees was also resolute during this time. A shop employee on Henan Road once wrote in his own blood and posted a sign on the store's door with twelve big characters: 'As long as the students are detained, this store will remain closed.' Many shops had slogans posted outside: 'The nation is on the verge of destruction, no interest in business,' 'Stop business to save detained students,' and similar slogans, indicating the determination to carry the 'Three Abstentions' struggle to the end. The materials collected in the 'Compilation' span from the outbreak of the May Fourth Movement to the establishment of the Communist groups in Shanghai during that period. They have been carefully categorized based on their different natures. Comrade Mao Zedong said: 'The May Fourth Movement occurred under the call of the revolutionary movement of the world at that time, under the call of the Russian Revolution, and under the call of Lenin.' Therefore, the 'Compilation' first utilizes important writings by communist intellectuals, introducing the October Socialist Revolution in Russia and Marxist publications. Additionally, a significant portion of the historical materials in the 'Compilation' is selected from bourgeois newspapers published in Shanghai at that time. However, bourgeois newspaper reports inevitably carry their class biases, making them flawed as historical materials. Furthermore, the 'Compilation' also includes selected opposing materials from relevant archives of the country, annual reports of the Shanghai Public Works Department, and foreign-language newspapers in Shanghai. Through these historical materials, we can gain an understanding of the historical panorama of that time from various perspectives—positive, lateral, and opposing. The 'Compilation' features over forty finely printed historical photographs at the beginning of the book. These include photographs taken at that time and physical images, featuring comrades Li Dazhao, Mao Zedong, Zhou Sili during the May Fourth period, as well as copperplate photographs of 'New Youth,' 'Weekly Review,' 'Xiangjiang Review,' and historical images of the heroic struggle of the Shanghai people during the May Fourth period. They are valuable materials for studying the May Fourth Movement.


Wu Sa Yun Dong Shi Liao Di Yi Juan 五卅运动史料(第一卷)1981Shang Hai She Hui Ke Xue Yuan Li Shi Yan Jiu Suo 上海社会科学院历史研究所

As early as March 1962, the History Institute of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, following the instructions of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, began to organize efforts to compile historical materials on the May Thirtieth Movement. Within three years, a large amount of data was accumulated. Due to the influence of the Cultural Revolution, this work was halted for more than a decade and only resumed in 1978, gradually compiling and publishing the results. 'Historical Materials of the May Thirtieth Movement' is divided into three volumes, published by Shanghai People's Publishing House in November 1981, August 1986, and December 2005, with a total word count of 2.12 million. It is the first relatively systematic collection of materials on the May Thirtieth Movement after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In terms of content, it can be divided into five major parts:

  1. Important works, memories, and historical documents.
  2. From the February strikes to the outbreak of the May Thirtieth Movement.
  3. Activities of various classes and groups in Shanghai during the May Thirtieth Movement.
  4. The spread of the May Thirtieth Movement nationwide, overseas Chinese, and international support.
  5. The repression and sabotage of the May Thirtieth Movement by imperialism and warlord governments.

The book draws extensively from a wide range of sources, including more than a dozen Chinese and foreign newspapers such as 'Rehe Daily,' 'Republic of China Daily,' 'Shen Bao,' 'Sin Wan Pao ,' 'The China Press,' and 'North China Daily Herald,' as well as more than forty Chinese and foreign journals such as 'Xiangdao,' 'China Youth,' 'Shanghai General Trade Union Daily,' 'Blood Tide Daily,' 'National News Weekly,' 'Illustrated Times,' 'Militzer's Review,' and 'China Economic Monthly,' as well as relevant books and archives.

早在1962年3月,上海社会科学院历史研究所就秉承中共上海市委的指示,开始组织力量编纂五卅运动的史料,3年间便积累了大量的资料。由于“文革”的影响,该工作停顿了十多年,直到1978年才重上轨道,并将成果陆续汇编出版。《五卅运动史料》分为3卷,分别由上海人民出版社出版于1981年11月、1986年8月、2005年12月,总字数达212万,是为建国后第一部较为系统的五卅运动资料书。若以内容划分,则可分为五大部分,即:一、重要论著、回忆和历史文件;二、从二月罢工到五卅运动的爆发;三、五卅运动中上海各阶级、各团体的活动;四、五卅运动在全国各地的展开、侨胞和国际支援;五、帝国主义、军阀政府对五卅运动的镇压和破坏。 该书取材广泛,包括《热血日报》、《民国日报》、《申报》、《新闻报》、《大陆报》、《字林西报》等十几种中外文报纸和《向导》、《中国青年》、《上海总工会日刊》、《血潮日报》、《国闻周报》、《图画时报》、《密勒氏评论报》、《中国经济月刊》等四十余种中外文期刊,以及相关书籍、档案。

Wu Sa Yun Dong Shi Liao Di Er Juan 五卅运动史料(第二卷)1986Shang Hai She Hui Ke Xue Yuan Li Shi Yan Jiu Suo 上海社会科学院历史研究所

As early as March 1962, the History Institute of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, following the instructions of the Shanghai Municipal Committee of the Chinese Communist Party, began to organize efforts to compile historical materials on the May Thirtieth Movement. Within three years, a large amount of data was accumulated. Due to the influence of the Cultural Revolution, this work was halted for more than a decade and only resumed in 1978, gradually compiling and publishing the results. 'Historical Materials of the May Thirtieth Movement' is divided into three volumes, published by Shanghai People's Publishing House in November 1981, August 1986, and December 2005, with a total word count of 2.12 million. It is the first relatively systematic collection of materials on the May Thirtieth Movement after the founding of the People's Republic of China.

In terms of content, it can be divided into five major parts:

  1. Important works, memories, and historical documents.
  2. From the February strikes to the outbreak of the May Thirtieth Movement.
  3. Activities of various classes and groups in Shanghai during the May Thirtieth Movement.
  4. The spread of the May Thirtieth Movement nationwide, overseas Chinese, and international support.
  5. The repression and sabotage of the May Thirtieth Movement by imperialism and warlord governments.

The book draws extensively from a wide range of sources, including more than a dozen Chinese and foreign newspapers such as 'Rehe Daily,' 'Republic of China Daily,' 'Shen Bao,' 'Sin Wan Pao ,' 'The China Press,' and 'North China Daily Herald,' as well as more than forty Chinese and foreign journals such as 'Xiangdao,' 'China Youth,' 'Shanghai General Trade Union Daily,' 'Blood Tide Daily,' 'National News Weekly,' 'Illustrated Times,' 'Militzer's Review,' and 'China Economic Monthly,' as well as relevant books and archives.

早在1962年3月,上海社会科学院历史研究所就秉承中共上海市委的指示,开始组织力量编纂五卅运动的史料,3年间便积累了大量的资料。由于“文革”的影响,该工作停顿了十多年,直到1978年才重上轨道,并将成果陆续汇编出版。《五卅运动史料》分为3卷,分别由上海人民出版社出版于1981年11月、1986年8月、2005年12月,总字数达212万,是为建国后第一部较为系统的五卅运动资料书。若以内容划分,则可分为五大部分,即:一、重要论著、回忆和历史文件;二、从二月罢工到五卅运动的爆发;三、五卅运动中上海各阶级、各团体的活动;四、五卅运动在全国各地的展开、侨胞和国际支援;五、帝国主义、军阀政府对五卅运动的镇压和破坏。 该书取材广泛,包括《热血日报》、《民国日报》、《申报》、《新闻报》、《大陆报》、《字林西报》等十几种中外文报纸和《向导》、《中国青年》、《上海总工会日刊》、《血潮日报》、《国闻周报》、《图画时报》、《密勒氏评论报》、《中国经济月刊》等四十余种中外文期刊,以及相关书籍、档案。

Wu Sa Yun Dong Shi Liao Di San Juan 五卅运动史料(第三卷)2005Shang Hai She Hui Ke Xue Yuan Li Shi Yan Jiu Suo 上海社会科学院历史研究所

The materials compiled in this volume constitute the fourth part of 'Historical Materials of the May Thirtieth Movement': the development of the May Thirtieth Movement across the country, support from overseas Chinese and the international community; and the fifth part: the repression and sabotage of the May Thirtieth Movement by imperialism and warlord governments.


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