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Title Year Author(s) Abstract 
Urban development in post-reform China : state, market, and space2007Wu, Fulong; Xu, Jiang; Yeh, Anthony G O
Urban youth in China : modernity, the internet and the self2011Liu, Fengshu
Untitled album - Photographs of Hong KongThomson, John (1837-1921)
Untitled album - Photographs of Shanghai and Canton (Guangzhou)1876Drew, Edward Bangs
Untitled album - Photographs of Fujian, Fuzhou, and environs1876Drew, Edward Bangs
Untitled album - Photographs of Canton and environs1893Drew, Dora May
Untitled album - Photographs of Ningbo and environs1876Drew, Edward Bangs
Untitled album - Photographs of Shanghai and Canton (Guangzhou)1876Drew, Edward Bangs
Untitled album - Photographs of Beijing, Shanghai, Canton, Fujian, Ningbo and environs1876Drew, Edward Bangs
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