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Title Year Author(s) Abstract 
Xin Beijing zhi nan 新北京指南1914Xie hua bian ji she 擷華編輯社
Xin Beijing 新北京1914Peking Chien hui society of compilation
Xin chou he yue ding li yi hou de shang yue tan pan 辛丑合约订立以后的商约谈判1983Zhongguo jin dai jing ji shi zi liao cong kan bian ji wei yuan hui 中国近代经济资料丛刊编辑委员会
Xiu zhen Beijing Bei lan 袖珍北京備覽1924Yao, Zhuxuan 姚祝萱
Xi Xia ji 西夏記 /1968Dai, Xizhang 戴錫章
Xi yuan wen jian lu 西園聞見錄
Xi Yu yi wen, Nan Zhao ye shi 西域遺聞,南詔野史
Xin bai ri qi ji 心白日齊集
Xizang tong lan 西藏通覽
Xi zhao tu lue, An da qian zhi, Menggu lu 西招圖略,俺答前志,蒙古律
Xuzhou hui zhan 徐州会战1985Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Xuan wo chen fu: qin li jin xian dai zhong da li shi shi jian 漩涡沉浮:亲历近现代重大历史事件2001Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Xin hai ge ming hui yi lu (1) 辛亥革命回忆录(1)1961Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao yan jiu wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料研究委员会
Xin hai ge ming hui yi lu (7) 辛亥革命回忆录(7)1982Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao yan jiu wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料研究委员会
Xin hai ge ming hui yi lu (2) 辛亥革命回忆录(2)1962Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao yan jiu wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料研究委员会
Xin hai ge ming hui yi lu (4) 辛亥革命回忆录(4)1963Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao yan jiu wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料研究委员会
Xin hai ge ming zai ge di – ji nian xin hai ge ming ba shi zhou nian辛亥革命在各地-纪念辛亥革命八十周年1991Zhonguo ren min zheng zhi xie shang hui yi quan guo wei yuan hui wen shi zi liao wei yuan hui 中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会文史资料委员会
Xiao dian ji zhuan 小腆紀傳Xu, Ding 徐鼑 (清)
Xiao dian ji zhuan fu kao 小腆紀傳附考Xu, Ding 徐鼑 (清)
Xin Wu dai shi 新五代史Ouyang, Xiu 歐陽修(宋)
Xin tai ping shi ji 心太平室集1966Shen Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Zhou Yilin 張一麐 著
Xue sheng nian lu 雪生年錄1966Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Li Genyuan 李根源 著
Xian dai zheng zhi ren wu shu ping 現代政治人物述評1966Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編
Xin Chou ri ji 辛丑日記1966Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Xu,Yun 徐鋆 著
Xu Shichang 徐世昌1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編 Jing Min 警民 著
Xiao ting za xu lu 嘯亭雜續錄 (1-2)1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Jixiu, Zhuren 汲修主人
Xian tong zhong xing ming xian shou zha 咸同中興名賢手札1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Guo, Qingfan 郭慶蕃
Xin Hai ge ming shi 辛亥革命史1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Gao, Lao 高勞
Xin da lu you ji 新大陸游記1966Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編
Xian tong ming xian shou zha 咸同名賢手札1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Tao,Fenglou 陶風樓
Xian tong Guizhou jun shi shi 咸同貴州軍事史 (1-2)1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Ling, Ti'an 凌惕安
Xia An hui gao 遐菴彚稿1967Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍 主編; Yu, Chengzhi 俞誠之
Xiang qi lou jian qi 湘綺樓箋1967Yang, Yuebing 楊岳斌
Xin shi shuo 新世說1967
Xu wen gong (Jing cheng) yi ji 許文公(景澄)遺集 (1-2)Xu, Tongxin 許同莘
Xian dai zheng zhi ren wu shu ping 現代政治人物述評1966Shen, Yunlong 沈雲龍
Xu Shichang 徐世昌1966Jing Min 警民
Xin han ge ming shi 辛亥革命史1966Gao, Lao 高勞
Xuan tong san nian dong ji zhi guan lu 宣統三年冬季職官錄 1-21967Nei ge yin chou ju 內閣印籌局
Xuan tong san nian dong ji zhi guan lu 宣統三年冬季職官錄 1-21967Nei ge yin chou ju 內閣印籌局
Xin hai ge ming shi mo ji 辛亥革命始末記 (1-2)1969
Xin hai ge ming bei fang shi lu 辛亥革命北方實錄1969Hu, Egong 胡鄂公
Xi'an shi bian shi liao 西安事變史料1969
Xin hai ge ming yu lie qiang tai du 辛亥革命與列強態度1969Wang, Guangqi 王光祈
Xihu feng jing 西湖風景1911
Xi you ri ji 西遊日記1969Xu, Bingxu 徐炳昶
Xi qu you ling shi 戏曲优伶史1995Sun, Chongtao 孙崇涛;Xu, Hongtu 徐宏图
Xin zhongguo dian ying shi 新中国电影史2002Yin, Hong 尹鸿;Ling, Yan 凌燕
Xi fang mei shu dong jian shi 西方美术东渐史2002GUAN, Wei 关卫
Xun zhao xu chuan xian 寻找徐传贤2022Li,Yong(李勇,笔名十年砍柴,shi nian kan chai as his pseudonym)

“Seeking Xu Chuanxian: From Shanghai to Beijing" (xun zhao xu chuan xian: cong shang hai dao bei jing) is a biography about Xu Chuanxian, a Chinese postal figure. The author Shi Nian Kan Chai analyzes and presents Xu Chuanxian's life within the context of the era and interpersonal networks. The book draws from historical records, archived documents, industry-related materials, and accounts from individuals who interacted with Xu Chuanxian. The author also conducted in-depth research at historical sites in Shanghai, Chongqing, Hunan, Beijing, Henan, and other places to faithfully explore Xu's life and work, providing a genuine, rich, and profound portrayal of the extraordinary and bittersweet life of a Chinese intellectual in the 20th century. Simultaneously, it bears witness to the development of China's postal system from weakness to strength, reflecting the life trajectory and era's destiny of a generation of intellectuals. The book aims to enable more people to understand the dedicated and upward endeavors of the unsung heroes in that era of significant historical transformations.

The book primarily revolves around Xu Chuanxian's activities from Shanghai to Beijing, with a secondary focus on his father, Xu Xichun (founder of the Qingpu branch of the Chinese Red Cross Society), to illustrate the choices and role of traditional families during the turbulence of the late Qing and early Republican periods, recognizing the significant impact of family and lineage in China's societal transformation. Moreover, the book reflects on the relationship between the "twin cities" of China – Shanghai and Beijing – over the past century and their crucial roles in the country's modern history. It delves into their interactions in areas such as power and capital, conservatism and innovation, introversion and extroversion, localization, and globalization, which reached a delicate balance influencing not only China but also the world. From this perspective, the book can also be viewed as Xu Chuanxian's "Tale of Two Cities," wherein the cultural differences and the relationship between Shanghai and Beijing are projected onto Xu Chuanxian's life.

Xu Chuanxian's life spanned three eras: he was born in 1908 during the late Qing Dynasty, spent most of his life in the tumultuous period of the Republic, and later transitioned into the era of the People's Republic. Proficient in three foreign languages (English, French, and Russian), he traveled extensively to numerous countries, making significant contributions to China's postal industry.

Since Xu Chuanxian joined the Shanghai Post Office as a postal trainee after dropping out from the first year of the Sino-French Institute of Technology in 1924, until his passing in Beijing in 1972, his entire career remained dedicated to the Chinese postal industry. Whether as a junior postal clerk at the Shanghai Post Office, representative of the Chinese Post Office in Vietnam and Myanmar, chief of lessons at the Chinese Post Office General Administration, later as director of the Shanghai Post Office, deputy chief and division chief of the Chinese Post Office General Administration, head of the East China Postal General Administration, Chinese representative to the Universal Postal Union Congress, and later, as deputy head of the International Relations Department of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications and chief of the Chinese Post Office Liaison Bureau, where he attended an international conference as a representative of the People's Republic of China for the first time. Lastly, his role as a teacher at the Beijing Institute of Posts and Telecommunications (now Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications). Throughout the changing tides of the times, what remained unchanged was his professionalism and dedication to serving the Chinese postal industry

Xian Dai Shang Hai Da Shi Ji 现代上海大事记1996Ren, Jianshu 任建树

The compilation of 'Chronicles of Modern Shanghai' aims not only to record significant events and important matters in modern Shanghai encompassing politics, economy, military, culture, education, healthcare, religious beliefs, citizen life, social customs, and natural phenomena, but also to provide a brief account of nationwide events and events in other regions influenced by Shanghai. This allows readers to grasp the background and context of many events in modern Shanghai, facilitating a clearer understanding and convenient retrieval. Moreover, this historical account holds certain enlightening and instructive value for Shanghai, situated at the crossroads of the century, in its choices and endeavors toward constructing both socialist spiritual and material civilization.


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